In today's rapidly advancing technological landscape, millions of smartphones, laptops, and various gadgets find their way into landfills, contributing significantly to the global e-waste crisis. At PTS Corp, we're at the forefront of a revolutionary approach to waste control, reshaping the narrative surrounding electronic waste management.

Our practices are rooted in a commitment to rescue as many devices as possible from the impending fate of landfills. Discarded electronics, laden with hazardous materials like lead, mercury, and cadmium, pose severe threats to the environment and public health when not handled properly. Recognizing this, PTS Corp has undertaken a transformative journey to assess, repair, and prepare devices, including smartphones, laptops, and tablets, for reintegration into the market whenever feasible.

Mobile devices being tested and repaired at PTS Corp keeps them from landfills and reduces the amount of e-waste in our environment.

E-Waste Management: Accessibility and Environmental Impact

The implications of our practices extend far beyond waste reduction. By diverting these devices from landfills, we contribute to the conservation of natural resources, reduction of pollution, and lowering greenhouse gas emissions associated with electronic device production. Our dedication to extending the lifespan of gadgets not only lessens the environmental impact of e-waste but also makes technology more accessible and affordable for everyone.

By providing refurbished devices at a lower price, PTS Corp not only takes a significant step in reducing the strain on the planet, but also contributes to making technology more accessible to a wider population of consumers. This approach aligns with our commitment to sustainability and inclusivity. As we extend the lifespan of these gadgets through meticulous assessment and repair, we ensure that individuals from diverse backgrounds can access reliable and affordable technology. In doing so, we bridge the digital divide, opening doors to education, communication, and opportunities that may have otherwise been out of reach. Our focus on offering refurbished devices not only aligns with environmental conservation goals but also reflects our dedication to creating a more equitable and technologically inclusive world.

PTS Corp is not just focused on e-waste management; we are pioneering a sustainable and impactful approach that aligns with our vision for a greener, cleaner future. Join us on this journey towards a more sustainable tomorrow, one device at a time.

Ready to see how your business can become more environmentally friendly with PTS Corp? Sign up for a preliminary consultation with one of our experts today!

Learn more about PTS Corp and how we can help streamline your operations and increase ROI.

R2 certification, short for Responsible Recycling, is a globally recognized standard for electronics recycling and refurbishment. To become R2 certified, organizations must undergo a rigorous auditing process conducted by accredited certifying bodies. This process involves demonstrating compliance with a set of stringent requirements encompassing environmental, health and safety, quality, and data security standards. Organizations must implement robust management systems, adhere to strict operational protocols, and undergo regular audits to maintain R2 certification.

At PTS Corp, we understand the intrinsic value of R2 certification. It plays a pivotal role in promoting sustainability within the dynamic realm of reverse logistics. Far from being a restrictive measure, R2 serves as a roadmap, guiding us toward responsible and sustainable management of used electronics.

R2 certification: Why does it matter?

Encompassing environmental, health and safety, quality, and data security standards, R2 certification exemplifies our commitment to sustainable practices. By adhering to these standards, we not only contribute to a healthier environment, but also uphold the highest industry standards. This reinforces our dedication to responsible electronics management at every stage of their lifecycle.

In today's interconnected world, electronics have woven into the fabric of our daily lives. At PTS Corp, we recognize the profound impact these devices have on our world, accompanied by the surge in electronic waste generated as we constantly upgrade and replace our gadgets. The staggering volume of e-waste poses a significant challenge for responsible disposal. Beyond the traditional end-of-life perspective, it's imperative to consider the entire lifecycle of electronic devices.

Markedly, our commitment to this holistic approach makes PTS Corp an ideal partner for anyone seeking a third-party logistics provider. By receiving the R2 certification and integrating sustainable recycling practices into our systems, we have positioned ourselves as a conscientious partner in navigating the complexities of responsible electronics management.

Ready to see what the 5S system can do to improve your business? Sign up for a preliminary consultation with one of our experts today!

Learn more about PTS Corp and how we can help streamline your operations and increase ROI.

In today's rapidly advancing technological landscape, millions of smartphones, laptops, and various gadgets find their way into landfills, contributing significantly to the global e-waste crisis. At PTS Corp, we're at the forefront of a revolutionary approach to waste control, reshaping the narrative surrounding electronic waste management.


Our practices are rooted in a commitment to rescue as many devices as possible from the impending fate of landfills. Discarded electronics, often containing hazardous materials like lead, mercury, and cadmium, pose severe threats to the environment and public health when not handled properly. Recognizing this, PTS Corp has undertaken a journey to assess, repair, and prepare devices, including smartphones, laptops, and tablets, for reintegration into the market whenever feasible.


The implications of our practices extend far beyond waste reduction. By diverting these devices from landfills, we contribute to the conservation of natural resources, reduction of pollution, and lowering greenhouse gas emissions associated with electronic device production. Our dedication to extending the lifespan of gadgets not only lessens the environmental impact of e-waste but also makes technology more accessible and affordable for everyone.

By providing refurbished devices at a lower price, PTS Corp not only takes a significant step in reducing the strain on the planet but also contributes to making technology more accessible to a wider population of consumers. This approach aligns with our commitment to sustainability and inclusivity. As we extend the lifespan of these gadgets through meticulous assessment and repair, we ensure that individuals from diverse backgrounds can access reliable and affordable technology. In doing so, we bridge the digital divide, opening doors to education, communication, and opportunities that may have otherwise been out of reach. Our focus on offering refurbished devices not only aligns with environmental conservation goals but also reflects our dedication to creating a more equitable and technologically inclusive world.

PTS Corp is not just managing waste; we are pioneering a sustainable and impactful approach that aligns with our vision for a greener, cleaner future. Join us on this journey towards a more sustainable tomorrow, one device at a time.